Sunday 23 March 2014

The Fish Pie of Epic Proportions

OH MY DAYS! My culinary skills that were once non-existent are now getting pretty darn good.

On Friday 21st March 2014 I cooked a fish pie for Sister Ylisaari and Sister Jacob (who are now companions following Sister Walmsley and Sister Watt being transferred). And this Fish Pie was made completely from scratch. Round of applause. I was craving fish and realised I hadn't had a fish pie in simply ages so decided to see if I could make one!

So, I may have cheated slightly and used the BBC Good Food Easy Fish Pie recipe to just help me on the right path. Now that I have made one though, I feel I can start being adventurous and do it 'my own way' as I now know the basics on how to make one.

1kg Maris Piper potatoes, peeled and quartered.
Knob of butter for the mashed potatoes.
Splash of milk for the mashed potatoes.
25g butter.
25g flour.
4 spring onions, finely sliced
400ml milk
1x pack of fish pie mix (I used cod, salmon and haddock from Sainsbury's)
1 teaspoon of Dijon mustard
1/2 of a 25g pack or a small bunch of chives, finely snipped
Handful of frozen sweetcorn
Handful of broccoli florets
Handful of grated cheese

The BBC recipe says to use peas, but as I do not like peas I decided to use broccoli. It worked very well!

1. Turn on the oven to 200 degrees Celsius (on a non fan assisted oven).
2. Put a pan on water on to boil. Peel the potatoes and cut them into quarters and add them to the pan of boiling water. Bring them to the boil again and let them simmer until they are soft.
3. Slice the spring onions and add the butter and the onions to a pan and mix them. Add in the flour once the butter has melted.
4. Gently and gradually whisk the milk into the spring onion, flour and butter mix whilst on the heat and keep mixing so the sauce doesn't go lumpy or stick to the pan. Bring it to the boil so the sauce can thicken.
5. Once the sauce has thickened take it off the heat and add in the fish, sweetcorn, broccoli, mustard, chives and some of the cheese then mix so everything is covered.
6. Pour the mixture into your chosen dish.
7. Drain the potatoes and add the splash of milk to help with the mashing. 
8. Once the potatoes are nicely mashed, add them to the top of the fish pie mixture and spread out evenly.
9. Add cheese to the top (and some Parmesan if you like it crispy) and put in the oven for 20 minutes to half an hour depending on the thickness of your pie. As you will see from the pictures mine was very deep so longer.

I served mine with Sainsbury's Taste the Difference Cranberry and Stilton bread which is the nicest bread I have ever had in my entire life; and a side salad.

The thing that I loved about this was that it was so easy. Yes, the title on the BBC Good Food website said it was easy to make; but how many times have you attempted to make something that someone said is easy and found it ridiculously complicated? Well done BBC Good Food. You have outdone yourself!

The beginnings!

The sauce, veg and fish before I put the mashed potato on

The state of the kitchen when I cook...

So much CHEESE!

The end product!

Dinner Appointment Message
Today's dinner appointment message was from Romans 8:28-29 and talks about how the Saviour, Jesus Christ is foreordained and predestined to be Christ and to be the Saviour of the world. But it also talks about how God knows us and predestinated us as well. We are all here having been given different talents and abilities in the premortal existence. Those things were given to us by our loving Father in Heaven.

In Romans 8:30-32 it says "if God be for us, who can be against us?" How amazing is that? I mean, seriously. How amazing is it that no one can really be against us as God believes in us and loves us and ultimately, is with us. And if we know that there are people against us, does it really matter? We all experience difficulties and hardships. We do not know beforehand what they will be. We do not know how to deal with them until they do happen. But what we do know is that God is on our side and we need to put our trust in Him and He will help see us through. As it says in Doctrine and Covenants 121:7-8

"My son, peace be unto thy soul; thine adversity and thine afflictions shall be but a small moment; and then, if thou endure it well, God shall exalt thee on high, thou shalt triumph over all thy foes."

We need to know how to use the Atonement in our lives. It is not only for sin. It is there to help us with the sorrows and grief we experience. The atonement is there for us. It is there to make us capable to do the things that we thought we could never do. The Saviour died for us. It is so important that we use the atonement to increase our personal strength.

"At times some may think that no one cares—but someone always cares! Your Heavenly Father will not leave you to struggle alone, but stands ever ready to help." President Thomas S Monson

It is amazing to know that we have a Father in Heaven who will walk by our side and support us whenever we need it. And even when we feel we don't need it. He is ALWAYS there for us to help us reach our full potential.

The missionaries challenged me to pray about how I can better understand the atonement and apply it in my life. So I challenge you to do this too. Did you really realise it covers trials and difficulties as well as sin? I certainly didn't.

Sister Nicki x

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