Saturday 26 April 2014

Lemon and Dill Salmon, Veggies and Rice

Hola! I am back! After an absolutely CRAZY few weeks I am glad to slowly be getting back into my normal routine in life and with feeding the missionaries.

On Friday 25th April 2014 I fed Sister Stewart, Sister Berati and Sister Maddocks. Transfers(Very few missionaries are assigned to the same area for the entire duration of their mission. Most missionaries will work in one area for a few (or sometimes several) months until the mission president has them transfered to a new area. Each mission covers a very large geographic area and the mission president is responsible for placing missionaries where they work. - from happened on Wednesday and Sister Ylisaari went back home to Finland as she finished her 18 month mission. Due to her departure and the arrival of new Sister Missionaries from the Missionary Training Centre, Sister Phermsin and Sister Maddocks were transferred back to the London Temple Visitors' Centre.

For some reason I have been craving fish recently, and as I had bought a Lemon and Dill sauce a few weeks back I decided to try it out on the missionaries. They are always up for something new!

I used salmon as I felt it would be the nicest fish to have with the sauce, and used courgettes, mushrooms, a red onion, green beans and garlic to bulk it up and make interesting. It was all served on a bed of long grain rice. And let me tell was delicious. I am starting to impress myself with my cooking. So that must be saying something! 

This meal took 30 minutes to prepare and cook and it served 4.

1 pack of Schwartz Lemon and Dill sauce (or another if you see one)
4 salmon fillets (or more/less depending on size)
2 Courgettes (chunks)
1 Red Onion (diced)
4 Cloves of Garlic (sliced)
300g Closed Cup Mushrooms (quartered)
150g Green Beans (cut into inch long pieces)
One tablespoon Vegetable Oil
Long Grain Rice (one serving = 75g, so do the maths to work out how much you need)

1. Turn on the oven to whatever temperature your salmon needs to be cooked at. Mine was 170 Degrees Celsius, but all ovens and some salmon fillets need different temperatures. 
2. Wrap your fillets in foil and place them on a baking tray in the middle of the oven. Cook for 25 minutes to half an hour.
3. Put a pan of water on the stove to boil ready for you to add the rice.
4. Whilst the salmon is cooking prepare all your vegetables. Cut the courgettes into chunks. Dice the onion. Slice the garlic. Quarter the mushrooms. Cut the green beans into inch long pieces.
5. Add the rice to the boiling water and follow the instructions on the packet.
6. Add one tablespoon of vegetable oil to a frying pan and heat. Once it is hot add the courgette, onion, garlic, mushrooms and green beans and fry for 15 minutes, or until soft and cooked.
7. When the vegetables have been cooked add the Lemon and Dill sauce to the frying pan, mix and heat on a low heat.
8. Once the salmon is ready, cut it into bite sized pieces and mix it in with the vegetables and the sauce.
9. Drain the rice and put in a bowl, ready to serve.
10. Pour the salmon and vegetables into another bowl and they are ready to serve.

And there you have it! An incredibly tasty and healthy meal.

Dinner Appointment Message
This message is MIA (sorry, I'm a failure). Tune in to my next post for some spiritual upliftment. For now, I will share this website and video. I implore you to click on the link and watch the video on the website. It doesn't matter what religion you are, or if you even are religious; It is just a beautiful video.

Because of Him

Love to you all,

Sister Nicki x

Friday 11 April 2014


So, I've been MIA from this blog for two weeks. Reason being? Last week I had the most ridiculous headache of all time for three days. It was then attributed to my sinuses courtesy of non stop colds (life of a nanny) and the lovely Sarahan desert pollution.. Luckily I am (almost) back to normal now. Then this week I have been working crazy crazy hours and have only just stopped today. Next week I shall be here, there and everywhere so am not sure if I will be feeding the missionaries. 

I know you all miss my blog posts...but it will be back with a vengeance in just over a week!

For now I shall leave you with a photo of myself with my two best friends, one of whom has been serving a Mission for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. She has spent the last 18 months of her life in Switzerland and France and comes home on Tuesday. It has been the longest and hardest 18 months of my life without her, and I am SO incredibly excited for her return.

Megan, Michelle (the missionary) and Myself.

Over and out.

Sister Nicki x